Wednesday 12 June 2013

Parody Prints: Why we all want to be wearing Bucci!

First of all…no, that’s not a typo!

Real fake clothing (confusing, I know) is all the rage at the moment with celebrities falling over themselves to self-post pictures wearing this season’s most ironic clothing. Of course in their case, the real irony is that they are among the privileged few that can afford the real thing!

It’s now so popular that actual brands have emerged where this play-on-brand is their brand. Pioneers in the area include Celebrity favorite Brian Lichtenberg, whose beanies, tees and jumpers have been flaunted by the super trendies. His clients include column space heavy weights like Cara Delevingne, Rihanna and Miley Cyrus.

Key in the parody is the obvious and deliberate nature of the visual pun, which sparks an interesting debate about counterfeiting in general. If this playful ‘homage’ is considered ok (on the basis that it does not purport to be the real thing), where does this leave us when certain fashion designers copy, sorry, are inspired by the work of others? A further development, these creations are now so popular we see all kinds of cheap ‘knock-off’ version springing up in London markets and eBay…fakes of the fakes! Whatever next!

Furthermore, I have to consider the point of it all! I’m not sure what the initial idea behind the concept was all about, but I’d imagine it has something to do with a reaction against mass consumer culture, and excessive brand influence. With hundreds of styles now on offer, and sweaters priced at around £100 each, this point is more than a little undermined I think?

I believe fashion speaks volumes, but I’m not really sure what this newest trend says about us here and now. For the time being I will consider to ponder it, snuggled up in my Celine Dion (Sold Out!) Jumper from Reason…

View more fabulous versions available at

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