Monday 29 April 2013

Have your cake and eat it with a Stefi Jakab master-class!

As a passionate baker and enthusiastic sugar-crafter, I was thrilled to be invited to a cake-decorating master-class run by Cordon Bleu chef, Stefi Jakab. With many butter cream cupcakes and sugar craft roses under my belt, I questioned how much I would actually learn from the session, but never being one to decline a complimentary slice of cake, I willingly went along.

Upon arrival, my decision was immediately vindicated. Met by the delightful sight of Stefi's cakey creations my eyes grew immediately bigger than my belly! As if the glorious sight weren’t enough, we were then told that these were the cakes that we would be able to trial during the session…Bliss! 

our tasting selection

Coats and bags safely deposited and glass of sparkles in hand, the group merrily chatted away. Aside from being a master Pâtissière, Stefi is an amazing communicator, and immediately put the group at ease as we comfortably laughed and nattered like old friends.

Stefi Jakab
Then, down to business! We were there to learn how to professionally ice a cake, and create piping embroidery as a design! What ever happened to creating the butter-cream cupcakes I’d imagined? I knew I’d be able to do that!
getting started

I was suddenly a good deal less confident…

In total contradiction to her Cordon Bleu training, Stefi’s approach is relaxed and unpretentious. Having explained that professional results are as much about technique as talent, I became more relaxed about the task at hand. We all watched carefully as she expertly and effortlessly prepared and iced her cake in demonstration.


New techniques fresh in my mind, I set about icing my own cake, and true to her word her tips worked. Roughly an hour later I have a neatly iced cake with embroidery style iced decoration. Moreover, I have the confidence an understanding to apply these skills at home…

Like most things, patience is what’s needed to get really good, but after only one class every one of us has something we couldn’t have made an hour before. Feeling very pleased with ourselves, we merrily tuck into her selection of puddings and marvel over the magnificent wedding cakes on display. Our own creations are neatly packaged into boxes for us to take home so we literally have our cake and eat it!

Cakes and champers aside, the best feeling is that this is something that I can now do. I’m no Michel Roux or Stefi Jakab just yet, but who knows what the future holds!

mini two-tier cakes...soooo cute! 
So what were her top tips?

Get the right tools for the job… “ This cake cutter is an essential  - if you can cut a cake evenly down the middle you’re a better woman than me” she explained. This tool makes the job a quick and simple one…it also only costs around £5.

When adding syrup to cakes always add cold syrup onto a warm cake or warm syrup onto a cold cake. “This helps the cake to absorb the syrup and ensures that it stays moist.”

“It’s really difficult to roll icing evenly without help, so buy marzipan spacers.” They are inexpensive and take the guesswork out of rolling a large amount of icing…if you want professional results get these.

If you make a mistake, don’t panic! “Cracks in the icing are one of the most common…just smooth the area gently with the palm of your hand and the oil will re-work any cracks”.

How to get that professional shiny cake look? “An Icing polisher will do the job quickly and easily, and once again, it’s and inexpensive tool”. Before you whip out your Mr. Sheen, an icing polisher is a small plastic board with a handle!

Her classes start from £85 per person for group sessions and £250 for 1:1. For true renaissance ladies who want to learn to make something as complex as a wedding cake, 2 day courses are also available that will give you the skills you need to create something really incredible! Refer to the website for more information! 

My Creation

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